Author: amanda wooley

is fabric softener toxic

Why is Fabric Softener Bad for Clothes?

  Cleaning your laundry will require the use of different essential laundry care items that are purposefully used to attack and clean clothing and linens placed in your washing machine. From laundry detergent to freshening beads, to vinegar, bleach, baking soda, or borax, and even the use of fabric softener, all can be added products […]

Are Candles Toxic to Indoor Air Quality

Are Candles Toxic to Indoor Air Quality?

Do you ever stop to consider the latent threats that surround you within your home, threats that have the significant potential to compromise your indoor air quality drastically? The smallest, most inconspicuous of items found within an indoor environment have the potential to be a possible hazard to the quality of your indoor air. Sources […]

How to Eliminate Mold in Washing Machine

How to Eliminate Mold Odors in Washing Machine

Washing machines are seemingly always running within your home, as load after load gets put into the machine to rid it of dirt, grime, and odors that have collected on the materials. Although the exact number of laundry loads each household cleans each week is unknown, you can guess it would be about or nearly […]

Black Mold vs Mold

Black Mold vs Mold

Mold is a fast-growing, potentially dangerous fungi that is commonly found cultivating in indoor environments including in the home. Household molds are plentiful, with many different forms of species that can be possible intruders within a home, that will grow rapidly and aggressively throughout the enclosed environment. According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control […]

Why Does My House Get So Dusty

Why Does My House Get So Dusty?

The dust is piling up, and you have finally hit your breaking point, the unexplainable answer plagues your mind, “why does my house get so dusty?”. You have recently gotten into the habit of cleaning almost each and every day, including dusting and vacuuming, which you had hoped would alleviate the growing dust issue brewing […]

Why Does My Fridge Smell

Why Does My Fridge Smell?

  After a long hour or two of grocery shopping you come home only to find that before you stockpile your refrigerator with groceries again, there is some attention that is needed, particularly with the odors swirling inside of this appliance. When we regularly clean our house every week or two, there are certain areas […]

Understanding a Formaldehyde Allergy to Toxic Clothing

Understanding a Formaldehyde Allergy to Toxic Clothing

The moment that your body touches the fabric of the new clothing that you just purchased yesterday it sparks a reaction on the surface of your skin that can produce a red rash and a horrible bout of itching. Why is your body having this severe of a reaction to the material of your new […]

Are New Carpet Fumes Harmful (2)

Are New Carpet Fumes Harmful?

  ton the surface of the fabric You’ve put it off for way too long, and now is finally the time that you need to replace that horrible flooring in your home. Whether it is worn out, has unpleasant odors trapped in the material, or even if you are looking to change the aesthetic of […]

Tips to Reduce Mold Spore Allergies Indoors

Tips to Reduce Mold Spore Allergies Indoors

Mold, a fungus that rapidly grows throughout an environment can be a real pain to deal with when it comes to your heightened allergies that flare at the slightest exposure to any type of mold allergen in the air. In a home that is growing mold, it may become unbearable for a person with allergies […]

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