Author: amanda wooley

Is Vinyl Flooring Toxic in a Home

Is Vinyl Flooring Toxic in a Home?

Building a new home or renovating the home you currently reside in will leave you with many decisions, some of which will be critical to both the air quality in this environment and the health of those that are exposed to this tainted air on a daily basis. Building materials are among one of the […]

How Often to Change Air Filter

The Important Truth on How Often to Change Air Filter in Home

As a homeowner it is our job to stay up-to-date in replacing and maintaining the necessary items inside of the home. Whether that be keeping an eye on your roof and the weathering it has undertaken over the years, replacing appliances that are on the way out, and even stay regular with the everyday care […]

Sick Building Syndrome Invading Office

Sick Building Syndrome Invading Office: How it Impacts Your Health?

You have said over and over again that your office is making you sick, with many people scuffing it off as a dramatic statement that many people loosely throw out in contempt with their current feelings about their employment. However, your claim may ring true as there are potential factors that can influence your health […]

Why is There So Much Dust in My Home

Why is There So Much Dust in My Home?

When it comes to the inside of your home, there are a number of different things that can contribute to the accumulation of allergens in the home that will impact the air quality within this indoor space. If you are someone who experiences a dust allergy, the smallest traces of dust in the home can […]

Is Your New Mattress Off-Gassing Inside Your Home

Is Your New Mattress Off-Gassing Inside Your Home

Have you finally had it with your old mattress that is leaving you with aches and pains throughout the day? When your mattress reaches the end of its life, one of the first indicators that you will detect is aches throughout your body that we commonly associate with “sleeping weird” – however, this will be […]

The Ultimate Mothball Odor Remover Guide for Your Home

The Ultimate Mothball Odor Remover Guide for Your Home

Do you have mothball odor consuming your home? The pungent aroma of mothballs is an odor that is quickly identified in most environments, with an unmistakable scent that will invade an entire location. Often times we associate this smell with storage or stored away items, and why is this? For years, people have used mothballs […]

laundry detergent allergies

Everything to Know About a Laundry Detergent Allergy

Have you recently noticed a growing issue with your skin? Red, itchy, and inflamed patches that are leading you to constantly pick and itch your skin for relief. Your only conclusion to this pressing issue is that something you are placing on your body is creating a reaction that is leaving your skin irritated and […]

non toxic hand soap

How to Remove Bleach Odor from Your Hands

  Every day we come into contact with smelly items that will leave an impact on ‘your’ smell. That smell can come from a variety of things that you touch throughout the day including trash, sweaty clothes, cooking odors, or even chemicals that find their way onto your hands. Many chemical cleaners today use harsh […]

How to Improve Air quality Inside Your Office

How to Improve Air Quality Inside Your Office

Have you ever stopped to take into account how much time you spend indoors each and every day? Whether you are at home, in the grocery store, at the mall, or even spending 8 hours a day at work. Most Americans work an estimated 40 hours a week and most of this time is spent […]

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