Author: EnviroKlenz

the benefits of indoor environmental quallity

What Are The Benefits Of Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ)

Having a comfortable and safe work environment is a top priority for all businesses. Especially in the wake of Covid-19, many office spaces need essential environmental updates to mitigate the transmission of viruses and bacteria. Learn how to keep your workforce healthy, happy, and productive by improving the air quality in your workspace. In this […]

remove pet urine smell from carpet

How Do You Remove Pet Urine From Carpet?

  Few things have the potential to bring so much unconditional love into your life as getting a pet. From big wet kisses to someone to welcome you home at the end of a long day, welcoming a pet into your home can be a joyful and rewarding experience, but like with anything, it also […]


Air Scrubber vs UV Light Air Filtration

Are you constantly at odds with the air inside of your home, whether it is allergens, particulate matter, or even pathogens that find their way within this indoor environment? Indoor air quality has become a top concern in the home and other indoor environments such as restaurants, office buildings, and other indoor spaces that contain […]


Do HEPA Filters Remove Viruses from the Air?

Unfortunately, the air in your home or office can become compromised overtime by various airborne pollutants that can find their way into this space through products used in the environment, chemicals from building materials that are emitted into the air, and even from the people that are occupying this space. Recently, airborne pathogens have been […]


How Long Do Bleach Fumes Last in the Air?

The use of bleach has become a more prevalent cleaning agent in homes today, as many homeowners constantly battle to combat pathogens both in the air and on the surfaces of their home. This disinfectant cleaner has long been a popular product used in environments to help mitigate potential lurking bacteria and viruses that have […]


Does Bleach Kill Viruses on Surfaces?

The power of bleach is endless and when it comes to cleaning and disinfecting the surfaces inside of your home, people continually use bleach to remove a variety of germs from these surfaces. Whether it be disinfecting your home after a member of your family has battled a virus or even cleaning up bodily fluids […]


How to Remove Ozone from Your Home

The air inside of your home is heavy with a thick layer of pollution that has not only tainted the smell of the air in your indoor space, but it has also started to impact your health and the health of the other occupants in this space. There are many various airborne substances that can […]


Should You Use Air Scrubbers for Mold Remediation

Sometimes inside of a home you will experience drastic events such as construction, remodeling, and even mold issues that will call for a complete home remediation within this indoor space. Mold is a problem that can happen in almost any area, no matter the conditions or environment – whether you are experiencing warm or cold […]


Why Does Dust Accumulate So Fast

Now is the time, the time to get to the bottom of why your house seems to accumulate dust so fast – at a rate that seems impossible! Dust is one of those pesky allergens that are known for developing and accumulating inside of a home, and this can be caused by a multitude of […]

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