Author: EnviroKlenz


Does an Air Purifier Help with Weed Smoke

When weed smoke is emitted into the indoor air space and floods into the environment, it can have a significant impact on the quality of this air. The composition of weed smoke consists of a variety of chemicals and compounds, some that are not necessarily considered healthy for your air and for your health. Cannabis, […]


Do Air Conditioners Filter Wildfire Smoke

When wildfire season steadily approaches and threatens your community, whether you be in a dry climate area, in the mid-west where wildfires roar, or in an area that has a proven track record of seasonal wildfires within this area, preparation will be key in keeping yourself and your environment safe. Wildfires can commence quickly and […]


The Effects of Humidity vs Relative Humidity on Indoor Air

The sticky feeling that you get on your skin when you are indoors in the air conditioning but still experiencing that heavy temperature that leaves your body warm can be your home’s humidity at play. When discussing home temperatures and climates, humidity is often not something that is talked about, but it is something that […]


The Dangers of the Cannabis Industry

The rapid booming of the cannabis industry has seemingly happened overnight, with the recently passed marijuana laws that have passed for both medical and recreational use in many states around the United States. The cannabis industry has gained notoriety for both its benefits to human health and its steady increase spending throughout the country. According […]


Is Airborne Mold Dangerous?

Inside of a home there can be a combination of things that are floating within the air of this enclosed environment. Whether it be cooking odors from your dinner last night, cleaning agents that you used to clean your home, pet smell from your wet dog, or even a musty odor that is running rapid […]


How Does Carbon Monoxide Form in a Home

Inside your home there can be a mix of different things that are produced into your air from a variety of sources such as cleaning products, paint, building materials, and even from fuel emission from a stove top. Carbon Monoxide is among the list of chemicals that can enter into your home from a variety […]


Off Gassing vs Outgassing in a Home

Did you recently purchase a new piece of furniture for inside your home, but upon the arrival of this new décor your home has never smelled the same? Whether it’s a new piece of furniture, the installation of new flooring, or even a fresh coat of paint, it can leave your home with a very […]


Red Tide: What Causes it & How Does it Affect Air Quality

If you live on the beach or if you are a frequent beach-goer than the chances are you will have experienced the horrible and rancid smell of red tide, along with the damaging effects it places on our beaches. The shores of the beach during red tide can be filled with dead fish that will […]


Identifying Mold Types

When we think about mold, we typically tend to think of older home’s as the major environments that mold thrive inside of and grows rapidly. Although older houses may be more susceptible to the intrusion of mold, this is not the only environment where mold will grow inside of and spread. Mold is a very versatile fungus […]

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