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Sick Building Syndrome Invading Office

Sick Building Syndrome Invading Office: How it Impacts Your Health?

You have said over and over again that your office is making you sick, with many people scuffing it off as a dramatic statement that many people loosely throw out in contempt with their current feelings about their employment. However, your claim may ring true as there are potential factors that can influence your health […]
Why is There So Much Dust in My Home

Why is There So Much Dust in My Home?

When it comes to the inside of your home, there are a number of different things that can contribute to the accumulation of allergens in the home that will impact the air quality within this indoor space. If you are someone who experiences a dust allergy, the smallest traces of dust in the home can […]

Off Gassing vs Outgassing in a Home

Did you recently purchase a new piece of furniture for inside your home, but upon the arrival of this new décor your home has never smelled the same? Whether it’s a new piece of furniture, the installation of new flooring, or even a fresh coat of paint, it can leave your home with a very […]

Red Tide: What Causes it & How Does it Affect Air Quality

If you live on the beach or if you are a frequent beach-goer than the chances are you will have experienced the horrible and rancid smell of red tide, along with the damaging effects it places on our beaches. The shores of the beach during red tide can be filled with dead fish that will […]

Identifying Mold Types

When we think about mold, we typically tend to think of older home’s as the major environments that mold thrive inside of and grows rapidly. Although older houses may be more susceptible to the intrusion of mold, this is not the only environment where mold will grow inside of and spread. Mold is a very versatile fungus […]

Is it Safe to Sleep in a Room with Paint Fumes?

When it comes to home-projects or renovations, painting is probably top on your list. A fresh coat of paint can do wonders for a room, especially when you want to redecorate your bedroom or even your kids or babies’ room. This seems like a pretty safe activity to participate in, but paint can be more hazardous than […]

How to Get Rid of Oil-Based Paint Fumes

Painting is a commonly performed task in most homes during construction, renovations, and repairs conducted on a home. The process of painting the interior of your home can be a lengthy and exhaustive task, as it can take weeks to completely paint every wall inside a home. Environmentalist, along with researchers have conducted testing to analyze […]

How Long Does New Carpet Off Gas

Upon the installation of carpet inside an indoor environment, there can be issues that will enter into your home that can ultimately taint your indoor air quality. Carpeting is manufactured with an amalgam of adhesives and materials that can all contain different types of chemicals that are used to produce this product. When these chemicals […]

Dangers of Ozone Generator: Why to Avoid Using This Air Purifier

When it comes to solutions to improving your home’s air quality and the odors within this environment, there are several available options for consumers to select from and this continues to grow. One of the options that are currently available to consumers is an ozone generator, a device that has been widely available for years […]
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