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Toxic Chemicals Found in Automobile Interiors

How To Remove New Car Odors One of the most toxic places you can be is inside a car. The World Health Organization has recognized interior air pollution of vehicles are a major threat to human health. Between the toxins in the car exhaust coming in from outside (especially in heavy and daily commute traffic), […]
chemical odors in clothing

Dangerous Chemicals Found in New Clothing & Linens

Chemicals Odors Found in New Clothing Fashion can be fun, but most clothing sold today contains toxic chemicals that can be harmful to your health.Because these chemicals are easily released from the clothing into the air, you are exposed to them with every breath you take while wearing toxic textiles. Here are three toxic chemicals […]
the dangers of new carpet odors on your health

The Dangers of New Carpet Odors To Your Health

New Carpet Can Be Hazardous to Your Health If you are concerned about toxic exposures and are doing things like eating organic food and drinking filtered water, you’ll want to also do something about your wall-to-wall carpet. With few exceptions, wall-to-wall carpets are made from synthetic materials derived from petrochemicals.Synthetic carpet is made from a […]
How To Stop Toxic Chemicals from Off gassing in Your Home

How To Stop Toxic Chemicals from Off gassing in Your Home

You can’t see them, and you may not be able to smell them, but If you live in a standard home, the air in your home is probably filled toxic chemical gasses that are continuously being released from products and building materials in your home.These gasses are commonly referred to as “emissions” and the act […]
improve indoor air qaulity

EnviroKlenz Webinar: How To Improve Indoor Air Quality In Your Home

In the December 10, 2015 EnviroKlenz webinar, Moderator Debra Lynn Dadd, from “Toxic Free Talk Radio,” shared the challenges individuals with multiple chemical sensitivities face on a daily basis and discussed the importance of good indoor air quality.  She shared how she was able to manage and overcome her own chemical sensitivities by minimizing exposure […]
create a fragrance free zone

How to Create a Fragrance-Free Zone in your Home

Fragrances and Multiple Chemical Sensitivities Approximately 12% of the US population now experience Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (that’s more than 38 million people). Those with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS) have reactions from exposure to common manmade chemicals found in everyday consumer products. Reactions range from moderate to severe to fatal, and can be brought on at […]
2015 air purifier reviews

2015 Air Purifier Reviews For Asthma, Allergies, & Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

Air Purifier Guide for MCS If you have Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, this guide is for you.With all the airborne chemicals, molds, pollens, and other substances that might trigger a reaction, a whole house air purifier can be your best friend.It can help you create a space that is free from all types of air pollutants, […]
remove perfume smell

Fragrance Sensitivity: How Scents Can Cause Symptoms

Fragrance Sensitivity: How Scents Can Cause Symptoms Perfume, aftershave, and other scented products are perceived as a pleasure, but for many people they can produce a wide variety of symptoms that can go well beyond pain.It’s in our nature to be drawn to and want fragrances to enjoy. Flowers produce fragrance to attract pollinators, and […]
Gulf War Illness and Toxic Exposures in the Home

Gulf War Illness and Toxic Exposures in the Home

Gulf War Illness and Toxic Exposures in the Home Gulf War Illness (also called Gulf War Syndrome) is a collection of ongoing symptoms reported by military veterans that in Operation Desert Storm in 1991. In addition to veterans from the United States, the same set of symptoms were reported by veterans from British, Canadian, Czech, […]
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